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Here you can download the tools which have been developed by ZSREP. All such tools produced by ZSREP are released under the GNU General Public License Version 2. Hence, the tools are basically free with some limitations involved. Please read the license for more information. You can also download any documents which have been produced by ZSREP. All of such documents are released under GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.2. Information on such licenses can be obtained at the GNU Web Site.

SuSE Linux 9.2 Cradle Synchronization Configuration: v1.0.1 [ pdf ]

SuSE Linux 9.2 Cradle Synchronization Configuration is a document which goes over an explanation of how to configure a SuSE Linux 9.2 system to allow for synchronization of the Zaurus using the USB cradle. Most of the content of this document applies to SuSE 9.1 as well as most other Linux distributions.

SuSE Linux 9.0 Synchronization Configuration: v0.0.1 [ pdf ]

SuSE Linux 9.0 Synchronization Configuration is a document which goes over an explanation of how to configure a SuSE Linux 9.0 system to allow for synchronization of the Zaurus using the USB cradle.

Protocol Assumptions and Observations: v0.1.0 [pdf]

Protocol Assumptions and Observations is a document which contains all my observations and assumptions about the Zaurus synchronization protocol. The idea is that this document will grow to be a replacement for the protocol specifications document which should have been released by Sharp. This document will contain a run down of the entire protocol dealing with each message type used in the protocol, to the message patterns used, and finally to how such messages and message patterns are used to perform a synchronization.

Note: zync, zync-gui, and KOrganizer To-Do Plugin are now obsolete being members of phase two of the project. Hence, their last public release is still available for download specifically for the purpose of project history. All other downloads on this page are still supported.

zync: v0.2.6 [ source tarball ] [ rpm ]

zync is a command line tool which allows Linux users to synchronize any Desktop PIM application with their Sharp Zaurus. zync is specifically designed to work with Sharp's newer ROMs. These new ROMs use a method called DTM to store their PIM data. The idea behind zync is that a tool should exist for Linux users which would allow them to synchronize their Zaurus right when they pull it out of the box (hence, contains a Sharp ROM). It is known to work with the following ROMs.

KOrganizer To-Do Plugin: v1.0.2 [ source tarball ] [ rpm ]

KOrganizer To-Do Plugin is a plugin created for zync to allow users to synchronize their Zaurus with KOrganizer's To-Do list.

zync-gui: v0.1.2 [ source tarball ] [ rpm ]

zync-gui is a Graphical User Interface front-end for zync. It provides an easy to use point and click interface to zync. This allows people who don't like the command line aspect of Linux to use zync without ever having to know how to use it as a command line tool. Note: zync-gui does require that zync be installed. This is due to the fact that zync-gui is just a front-end for zync.

Older Releases: [ SourceForge Project Files ]

All of the older releases of the above packages and documents are available for download on the projects project space.

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